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TU/e Industrial Design www.tue.nl


By 02-01-2021

One Week About – Student Work, Faculty of Industrial Design, TU/e

First year Master project
Mathias Verheijden, Charlaine Janssen and Bart Bongers

“During the entry/exit experience, ‘Ipsum’ serves as a personification of the house. Through an abstract range of movements, sounds and light animations, it allows inhabitants to become more aware of the state of their house when entering or leaving. Ipsum’s character traits are driven by its situational awareness of the house,enabling the house to come alive.

Within our design, we do not consider the exit/entry experience as a whole, but rather as two different rituals that require a different emphasis. For the exit experience, we focus on the feeling of responsibility and security so that you consciously and confidently leave your house behind.

Ipsum represents the state of different aspects of the house, like open windows. For the entry experience, the emphasis lies more towards the emotional aspect. When entering, Ipsum provides a welcoming experience representing the atmosphere of the house so that you can re-join your home and the other people present.”